Varney Air
Transport Lockheed 12A NC18125
(c/n 1222)

Clearly the attention of these
spectators is on something more electrifying than the two Lockheed
12As of Varney
Air Transport on the apron here at Denver Airport. I suspect that
the occasion was
a visit, to the airport, of a DC-3 or some such, and was probably taken
in late 1936 or 1937. The
12A (the so-called Electra Junior) was first produced in 1936 as an
enhancement to the
earlier Lockheed 10 series. For some strange reason it never made
it as an airliner, although some
130 were produced (almost as
many as there were Electras). The airlines never really took to
In fact, only six were ever flown on revenue passenger services within
the U.S. Varney Air Transport
was an exception and had
four of them. The main route of the airline was from
Denver to El Paso,
via Pueblo.