Air Lines Douglas DC-4E
(c/n 1601)

This aircraft falls
into same category as the Douglas DC-1 and Boeing Monomail. It
never did fly
revenue passenger schedules for United, but is
an important piece of airline history, and, as such,
rates an entry
in a collection of historical images such as this. Douglas
began the design of a large
four engined transport
in 1936 at the request of the "big four" airlines plus Pan American,
all of whom
subscribed $100,000 each for its
development. (Not nearly enough, but at least a token). United
ordered six of them in
1939. In the event, the aircraft was somewhat underpowered and
did not
perform to its
expectations - or specs. It was eventually sold in Japan where
some of its design
features were used in developing (copying) the
Nakajima G5N Shinzan for the Japanese Navy.
It later crashed in Japan.