Transcontinental &
Western Air Lockheed Vega 5C
NC624E (c/n 53)

Around 1930 the novelty of air travel was beginning
to wane somewhat, and a sort of obsession with
speed set in. No longer was the tried and trusty old Ford
Tri-Motor fast enough. The lines demanded
more speed - at first for the carriage of mail - but later when
passengers began demanding it also. TWA,
along with
several other carriers, played with various types of aircraft to
satisfy this need. One such was
Lockheed Vega (the first truly fast airliner) seen above at the
California, Grand Central
in this image reproduced from a
TWA house journal. This aircraft displays the livery used
after the merger with WAE. In fact, other than the titling of
"Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc"
appears almost identical to standard WAE red and cream markings.
The image below of the same
is via the Craig Neumayer collection.