Star Airlines
Pilgrim 100-B
NC709Y (c/n 6605)

Air Service had emerged from some amalgamations of the early 1930s into
Star Airlines,
incorporated on 27 November 1937. Clearly, for the type of
terrain over which it was
operating, it
required "bush" type aircraft. One such was the Pilgrim seen
above in this image
reproduced here
courtesy of the archives of the Museum of Alaska Transportation (via
The shot of NC709Y below, also from the same source, gives some
indication of
livery of Star Airlines
aircraft. The bright orange was adopted since this
coloration stands
out well against the snowy backdrop normally
encountered. (Note ancient Bellanca
Pacemaker in
background). Anyway, NC709Y first
service with American Airways in
1931 as a model
100-A. It was converted to 100-B configuration in
1934. The main differ-
ence between the 100-A and the -B was
the engine, the former being powered by a
575 hp
Pratt &
Whitney Hornet, whilst the 100-B had a Wright Cyclone R-1820-E of
similar horse
power. NC709Y is
currently being restored for the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum of