Airlines DC-3-277B N25676
(c/n 2214)

shot of a Robinson Airlines DC-3 was taken just before the airline name
was changed in
1952, since the "C" has been knocked off the "NC" in the
rego. N25676 was named "Air
Niagara", a name it retained after being repainted as
Mohawk. As can be seen on
the following
shot of a Mohawk aircraft of similar genre, the basic livery was
This particular DC-3
was not an ex-military C-47, but had been delivered new to American
Overseas Airlines in 1940
via the Defense Supply Corporation. It was used for
duties during WW II,
possibly in South America, Mohawk re-registered it N406D
in 1957.
It was sold to
Intermountain Aviation in the 1960s.