Reeve Airways
Boeing 80A
(c/n 1082)

The above image of the "Yellow
Peril" is from the Ted Spencer collection (via Lars Opland). It
is a little fuzzy but is
extremely rare. This old Boeing had large double doors in the
starboard side
carried freight loads of up to 11,000 lbs (double the originally
designed payload). NC224M
is now in the Museum of
Flight in Seattle. Bob Reeve
acquired it, and the one below, in the 1930s.
NC793K was
named "Black Maria" and was on an Aleutian cargo run (for the Morrison
construction outfit) during WW II when the weather
closed in and Reeve, who was personally flying
the aircraft at the time, was
forced to land on the beach at Bristol Bay. The wheels dug into
the soft
sand and the aircraft went nose up. The engines were salvaged and
the rest was abandoned to nature.
The lower shot of it is from the archives of
the Anchorage Museum of History and Art.
(c/n 1081)