Pioneer Air Lines Martin 2-0-2 N93055
(c/n 9145)

March of 1952 Pioneer sold eleven of its DC-3s to the U.S. Navy (at a
profit of almost a million
dollars) and purchased purchased nine Martin 2-0-2s from Northwest,
dubbing them Pioneer Pace-
makers. The
machine above was named "Pacemaker
Kit Carson" in keeping with the airline's pen-
chant for naming their
aircraft after famous Western personalities. The buffalo tail
livery was introd-
used at the same time. The C.A.B. was actually
pretty upset about the transaction, stating that since
Pioneer received air mail
subsidies, their action was not consistent with the regulations
governing the
spending of public money. Further, they
decreed that the Martins were more expensive to operate
and insisted that the airline went back to DC-3s for
their air mail routes! The airline responded by
floating a "holding" company (Pioneer
Aeronautical Services) which then owned the Martins and
leased them back to Pioneer Air Lines.
Today this would be called "constructive accounting". By
Pioneer was serving the whole of central Texas and as far west as
Albuquerque, N.M. Whether
under C.A.B. pressure or
not, Pioneer Air Lines was merged into Continental Airlines on 1 April
This Martin went to
Allegheny Airlines as N175A.