Piedmont Airlines
Fairchild F-27 N2701R
(c/n 8)

The above is a manufacturer's photograph of Piedmont's first F-27
taking off from Hagerstown in
October, 1958.
Fairchild had acquired a licence to build the Fokker F.27 and
put the airliner into
production at the
same time as the parent Dutch company In the event,
the first deliveries of Fair-
child's model were
in service before Fokker's own Friendships Piedmont
Airlines purchased a
modest fleet of these
Rolls-Royce Dart powered turbo-props as 'DC-3 replacements' and
them on
their eastern U.S. seaboard routes emanating out of Raleigh,
North Carolina. N2701R was
flown for a decade
and then sold to Air Manila in 1968 as PI-C873. It had only
been in service a
couple of months when
it was written off in a hard landing at Davao in May of 1968.