Pan American-Grace
Airways Douglas DC-4 NC88904
(c/n 18391)
A less
than illustrious shot of a Panagra DC-4 (but the only one I have) which
shows the airline
now sporting a yellow
fuselage cheat line outlined in green, to match the wing stripes.
The above
machine was an ex USAAF C-54B-15-DO (43-17191), converted by Douglas in
1946 to DC-4
standard and
sold to Pan American World Airways. It was "seconded" to its
cousin, Panagra, in
1948. It is
seen here at their maintenance base in Miami, circa 1949. It
wound up with another
Pan American subsidiary,
AVIANCA of Columbia in 1959 becoming HK-654. It was later sold
to Aerotal Columbia
and damaged beyond repair after the nosegear collapsed at Arauca,
in 1975.