Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Boeing 247D
NC13359 (c/n 1741)

On 1 November 1936, Pennsylvania Airlines and Central
Airlines, fierce competitors on the
Washington - Detroit route, agreed to a
merger. Most of the original equipment of the two
airlines was retained
for a while. However, in 1936, PAL had received at least three
247Ds and in 1937 the
newly formed Pennsylvania -Central obtained a further 15 ex-United Air
Lines machines, making this
airliner the staple of their fleet. For some reason images of the
in either PAL or PCA
markings are very difficult to come by. The one above, gleaned
from a
Boeing trade journal
appears to show one of PCA's machines in reverse livery. I
believe that most
of them were dressed in all
metal finish with red "PCA". This one seems to be all red
with white,
although I would
appreciate confirmation of this. NC13359 was an ex-Western Air
Express aircraft
which had been on
lease from United. It crashed at Charleston, West Virginia
following engine
failure after take
off on 16 April 1941.