Ozark Air LInes
Convair 240-0
(c/n 137)

I am indebted to Mike Sparkman for the
rare image above of an Ozark CVAC 240. In 1962
Ozark acquired seven
Convair 240s (three from Lufthansa, two leased from American, plus two
others). N94254 was one of the leased AAL machines, and was only
with the airline for a year
the 1962-63 period. In 1965, in a rather unusual trade, six
of the other 240s were part-swapped
with Mohawk Airlines for 15 Martin 4-0-4s. I have not been able
to unearth the exact deal which
down at the time, but photos of Ozark Martins are much more common than
those of the pre-
Convairs. .