Northeast Airlines
Vickers 798 Viscount
(c/n 234)

Realizing that, in order to stay abreast of the competition they did,
indeed, need turbo-prop equipment,
Northeast ordered the
less expensive Viscount after cancelling the Britannias. The
first was delivered in
the summer of 1958.
Surprisingly, when delivered, the aircraft were painted with minuscule
numbers painted on the
middle cheat line on the rudder. By that time the FAA had begun
to insist on
numbers that could be easily
read at fifty paces. Even on the original print this
machine can barely be
discernible as
N6592C. NEA's Viscounts were originally intended for
Capital but that airline could
not afford to take up
its option at that time. When introduced on the Boston-New
York run, the quiet
running, vibration
free Viscounts were a big hit. Northeast's market share
went from 10% to 35%.
This was not to last, however,
since it was the introduction by Eastern of its Shuttle service that
trouble for
Northeast. Faced with serious cash flow problems and a
consequent inability to service the
debt, the airline
arranged, in 1963, to return its Viscounts to Vickers.
Unfortunately N6592C wasn't
one of them since it had
collided with a National DC-6 on its landing roll at Logan Airport on
15 Nov
1961. Fortunately
there were no fatalities but N6592C was a write off.
Failure of tower personnel in
giving the NAL DC-6 permission to
take off as the NEA Viscount was landing was cited as the cause
of the accident.