N407D Mohawk
Airlines DC-3-277C N407D
(c/n 2244)

Newark, 1956. This was, at the time, the chief maintenance base
for Mohawk. Still bearing
the "Route of the Air
Chiefs" slogan, this aircraft was named "Air Chief
Cattaraugus". For
the uninformed,
Cattaraugus is a small town and county in the far west of New York
some fifty miles south of
Buffalo. Just why Mohawk named one of its DC-3s after this locale
is a mystery unless, in fact, they were running out of Indian-sounding
names at that point in
time. NC407D
started life as NC15590, a pre-war DC-3 built for American
Airlines. It
was acquired by
Robinson Airlines in 1946. Mohawk sold it in 1960 to Sierra
Pacific Airlines.
years later this aircraft came to a tragic and mysterious end.
The following is extracted
verbatim from the
Aviation Safety Network Accident Report:
"Argosy Airlines
Flight 902 was operated by DC-3 N407D. The aircraft was to fly to Cuba
to pick up 21 US citrus growers
who were there on tour. At 11:24 Flight 902 was cleared
to taxi out from the Walkers
Cay Jet Center to runway 9L for takeoff. At 11:29 they lifted off
from Fort
Lauderdale. Weather was fine as the DC-3 reached the cruising altitude
of 6000 feet.
At 12:25 the
flight emerged on Havana's radar scopes, but the air traffic controller
could not read
any of the
messages from the flight due to static. A high altitude plane relayed
the messages to
Havana and at 12:35 the
messages became loud and clear. Eight minutes later the plane
off the
radar screens. The search for wreckage was called off on September 24,
No trace of it was ever found. Very
close to the Bermuda Triangle, I would say.