Airlines Douglas DC-3 N86584
(c/n 4935)
rare photograph came from the files of Howard Levy. It was taken
at the old Oakes
Field, Nassau, Bahamas in
1955. Note BWIA Vickers Viking in the left
Mackey Airlines was founded in 1953 and
ran intra-Florida routes between Ft.Lauderdale,
West Palm Beach,
St.Petersburg and
Tampa. It also flew schedules to Nassua, Bahamas
from those
cities. N86584 was built as a C-53-DO (42-6483). After WW
II it went to
Eastern Air Lines and
then passed to Capital Airlines before being acquired by Mackey in
1953. It is, I
believe, still registered (they are still some 300 DC-3s world wide)
and alive
and well in
Arizona, being used as a skydiver drop ship.