Lake Central
Airlines Convair 580 N73158
(c/n 147)

Concurrent with the
upgrading of their Convair 340s to Convair 580 status (by replacing the
Pratt & Whitney R-2800s with
Allison 501 turbo props) came this "The Airline with a Heart"
motif. Corny?
Well, maybe, but they had to do something to increase passenger
N73158 began life as a Convair 340
registered to the Union Oil Company of California, and
registered N7600. It then went to
Esso as N100A. Bill Larkins took a photograph of it in
that livery at Oakland in the late
1950s (below). It was
converted to a CVAC 580 in 1960.
In 1968, when Lake
Central was absorbed by Allegheny, it was
re-registered N5838. Ship
# 147 went
to Canada in 1977 as Great Lakes Airlines'
C-GQHA. From there it went to
Europe with DHL as OO-DHF. A more
history plus photos of it in yet more guises
appears at: