Airlines Boeing 737-247
N7363F (c/n 20133)

Frontier first put their 737s into service in the sping of
1969, following which the uneconomic 727s
were gradually sold
off.. After an initial order for a dozen of the
short/medium haul airliners, the
airline went on to operate
some 60 of them at one time or another. More new ones were
but they also operated
a fair number of "previously owned" machines such as this ex Western
Air Lines
example above, seen here
in this shot by Frank C. Duarte Jr. taken at Denver's Stapleton
Airport in September of
1982. Although by that time the airline had arrived at the rather
striking new
livery seen in
this image, the first 737s were, in fact, delivered in the old scheme
as evidenced by the
shot of N7377F seen below
seen below. This photograph is from the Clinton Lincoln
collection and
was taken at Lambert Field,
St. Louis in June of 1973 (no jetways in those days!).
Boeing 737-291
N7377F (c/n 20365)