Piper PA-31-310 Navajo N77AL
(c/n 31-534)

Comair was founded in January 1977 in Cincinnati,
Ohio, by the father-and-son combination of
Raymond A. and David
R. Mueller. A service was inaugurated between Cincinnati
and Cleveland,
Akron and
Evansville using a small fleet of Piper Navajos. Bob
Garrard's nice shot above was
taken at Covington Airport, Kentucky (in what is now Northern Kentucky
International Airport) in
1980. As the commuter line grew it added more Navajos, plus
several of the
Chieftain variety to the fleet.
On 8 October 1979, Piper PA-31 Navajo N6642L was operating Comair
Flight 444 from
Cincinnati to
Nashville, TN when it lost power to the starboard engine. The
aircraft rolled and
impacted the ground killing
the pilot and all seven passengers. The resultant
settlement suits and
adverse publicity
almost spelled finis to the embryo airline, but Ray Mueller's tenacity
and good
standing in the Cincinnati area allowed him to
continue and go on to become what is, in effect, one
of the world's
largest the regional
carriers operating today.