Colonial Western
Airways Fairchild FC-2 (NC)5508
(c/n 109)

The history of the Colonial Airways
family is inextricably woven into the American Airlines
story and, to the extent
that it was eventually taken over by Eastern Air Lines, into that
history also. In 1929
Sherman Fairchild, in cooperation with his banker cronies founded the
Corporation of America (AVCO). This corporation proceeded to
gobble up as many
airlines as it could, and by acquiring
the Colonial Airways Corporation and the Universal Aviation
Corporation it managed, in a short time, to get nine
airlines under its belt. One of the elements
of the Colonial Airways Group was Colonial Western (the
others being Colonial Air Transport
and Canadian
Colonial Airways). Colonial Western had begun passenger schedules
in December
of 1927 from Cleveland to Buffalo
via Erie, Pa, using Fairchild FC-2s, one of which is seen above
in this Fairchild Airplane and Engine
Company image.