Air Transport Fokker Universal N-AABA
(c/n unknown)

Colonial Air Transport can arguably claim to have been the first
regularly scheduled airline
in the U.S. having been incorporated in 1923,
although it did not start service until 1926.
first aircraft, this Fokker Universal was registered under the National
Aircraft Under-
Association in the short-lived N- lettered series.
By 1926 the Air Commerce
Act decreed
that numbers would be used under class letters C, S or P categories.
.(Commercial, State and Private).. Colonial bid for and won the
New York - Boston
Air Mail route CAM 1 in 1926. Juan Trippe, later of Pan American fame,
was appointed
manager. Its fleet included two Universals, several Curtiss Larks
and three Fokker
F-VIIs. Photo above from the Peter M. Bowers
collection. The airlines was acquired
by The Aviation Corporation
(AVCO) in 1929 and was
amalgamated into the holding
company Colonial Airways Corporation which
included Canadian
Colonial Airways,
later to
become Colonial Airlines.