Aspen Airways British Aerospace BAe 146
(c/n E1015)

In 1984 Aspen Airways ordered four BAe
146s, and began providing the first commercial jet service
into Aspen,
Colorado. The airline name, incidentally, is said to stem from
the aspen tree, rather than
the city of that name... By this
time service had expanded into Amarillo and Lubbock, Texas. N461AP
is seen when
practically brand new at Stapleton International Airport, Denver in the
above shot by Bob
Garrard, taken in August 1985. A month later, Aspen would
become a United Express affiliate code-
sharing line, providing non-stop seasonal service from Aspen to
Houston, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Los Angeles,
Chicago, San Francisco and Long
Beach. By 1989 the airline (because of its expanded United
Air Line
"benefits'"?) suffered severe cash flow
problems and offered itself up for sale. After several aborted
efforts at take-over (including one by the employees themselves) the
airline was eventually sold in 1990
to regional
carrier Air Wisconsin (already a BAe 146 operator) for an estimated $9
million who contin-
ued to
operate it separately from their eastern route network until 1991 when
the two airlines were
into one and the Aspen Airways name passed into history.