Airlines Douglas DC-4 NC90423
(c/n 18392)

"Flagship Washington" was built as a C-54B-15-DO in 1944,
with the USAAAF serial 43-17192.
It was civilianized in 1945 by the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation and delivered to American
Airlines. A typical flight of the day would have been
American #207 which left New York La
at 07.00 and, with stops at Washington DC, Nashville and Dallas,
staggered into Los Angeles
at 20.10
hours. An elapsed time of justover 16 hours. All this in an
unpressurized aircraft. The
DC-4 below was
"on loan" from the USAAF when this shot was taken and is in displaying
an early
Amerian livery
(which, in the event, was never adopted), but sporting the military
serial of 42-107439.
C/n was 7458
and it became NC90414. This aircraft was sold to Qantas in 1949,