Aloha Airlines
Fairchild F-27 N5093A
(c/n 46)

There's that control tower again! When arch rival Hawaiian
Airlines updated their Convair 340s
to prop-jets,
Aloha responded by ordering 4 Fairchild F-27s, the first of which is
seen above.
aircraft went into service in the summer of 1959 (by which time the
corporate name of the
airline had been changed from Trans
Pacific Airlines to Aloha Airlines). The F-27s were very
popular and the airline almost immediately
picked up market share on the inter-island traffic. Since
time both airlines have operated almost
identical route structures (at least within the islands)
and several
attempts have been made over the
last forty years to amalgamate the two lines. In the
event, one
side or the other has always backed out as
the deal was about to be consummated.