ZK-AMA Short
S.30 Empire Class
(c/n S.886)

This gorgeous
shot from the Robert Blaikie collection shows Tasman Empire Airways
"Aotearoa" landing at
Evans Bay, Wellington, New Zealand on 19 January 1940.. TEAL was
founded jointly by the governments
of New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom.. The
flight of the company took place on 30 April 1940 when ZK-AMA covered
Auckland-Sydney route with 10 passengers
in 9 hours.
This aircraft was first flown from the
Shorts plant at Rochester in England on 18 April 1939 as G-AFDA.
It was joined three weeks
later by G-AFCY
which became ZK-AMC in TEAL service.
These two S.30s maintained the
service until 1944. ZK-AMA was withdrawn
from service in 1947 and was
preserved, for a
while, at Mechanic's Bay in Auckland, as a coffee
bar/tea rooms. It was finally
broken up at
Mission Bay in 1950.