Lockheed 10B Electra
(c/n 1107)

VH-UZO was a sister
ship to the previously illustrated VH-UZN. Ansett named it "Ansertes".
It is seen above after its airline flying days were
done, out to "pasture" at Essendon in the late
1940s. The image immediately
below, (# 2) by Lindsay Wise (via the Civil Aviation Historical
Society archives) was taken at Essendon the
late 1930s while the aircraft was 'on line' In 1951
-UZO was sold to South Coast Airways Pty Ltd of Wollongong,
NSW. Nick Lindsley provides
the next two images of it (# 3 & 4) taken by his father, Fred, at
Wollongong in 1951. The close
up is interesting in that it shows not only the bent prop as the result
of a take off accident in March
1951, but also the livery
applied by South Coast after the plain treatment seen in image #
3. Early
in the new millennium it was gifted to Australia's Museum of Flight by
then owner Laurie Ogle.
Photo # 5 shows it completely restored at at
Essendon Airport during an anniversary/open day
there in 1996. Finally at the foot of the
page is another Linday Wise image showing -UZO after
one of its many crash
landings. This one near Somerset Dam, Queensland on 7 March 1943



