D.H.82A Tiger Moth (c/n

This pre-war Tiger was originally owned by the Royal Aero
Club of NSW. From there it
was impressed into
the RAAF as A17-688. After WW II it reverted to VH-UYK and
that identity until it was
stricken from the register in 1960 following a crash at Cressy,
It was converted by
Schutt Aircraft Sales and Service in 1951 to crop duster configuation
sold to
Air-Spread Pty Ltd, although when I caught it at Moorabbin in 1958 it
had passed on
to Air Spray and Associates
Services Pty Ltd. When the Tiger was used as an aerial sprayer
the front cockpit was
sealed over and the space used as the hopper for the chemicals.
The spray
bars can be seen
under the wings on the above photograph.