VH-UYI Beech
(c/n 129)

The above image is from the
South Australian Aviation Museum archives and shows the big
Beech when
it was a visitor to Parafield in 1938. VH-UYI was
first registered in
June 1937
J.F. Jackson of St. George, Queensland. It appears to
have been a new aircraft. In Oct
1940 it was sold to
F/Lt. J.F.W. Collins of Beaudesert, Queensland.
crashed at
on 21 May 1941 and was destroyed by fire.
A newspaper report from the next day's
Mail gives no reason
for the crash other than that it apparently crashed
shortly after take off.
It was being flown by owner
F/Lt Collins, a well known sporting private
pilot. His passenger
was S/Ldr Roy C. Phillips, M.C., D.F.C., who
was C.O. of the
Archerfield Elementary Flying
Training School at the
time. Both
officers were killed instantly. I have lost the provenance
my shot
(below) taken at Archerfield before the war.