VH-UVQ Short S.16 Scion
(c/n S.791)

VH-UVQ was another of Adelaide Airways' Scions, which
transferred to ANA after the take-over
in 1936.
The above photograph was acquired in 1947 from ANA, whilst
that immediately below,
from the
Civil Aviation Historical Society of South Australia shows it in
situ at Adelaide in 1935.
Following its
service with ANA it was sold in 1937 to N. D. Healy of Sydney.
From the Graeme
Parsons collection (image # 3) comes the shot of it at Mascot in
1937 after its disposal by ANA.
In 1938 it
went to Aerial Transport and Training Ltd of
Brisbane to be used on a Brisbane-South
Coast service.
. By then it was equipped with floats, which apparently
had been fitted in Sydney
being flown up to Brisbane. The
fourth photograph is from the John Oxley Library, State
Queensland collection, and shows -UVQ on an improvised
slipway on the Brisbane River. The
seaplane wound up in a
shed near this same river and was put up for tender in
1939. Receiving
no takers, it languished
during WW II and was finally struck off the register
in 1946. At the foot of
the page is a
photo which appeared in the Brisbane Courier Mail for 14 October
1938 whose caption
'Wheeling a Short Scion seaplane overland to Cook's River,
Sydney where floats were refitted
for its flight
to Brisbane today.....' The use of the word 'refitted' is
interesting, suggesting that it had
on and off sea boots.