VH-UUZ Tugan LJW.7 Gannet
(c/n TA.52)

The Gannet was an indigenous Australian light
transport designed by Lawrence J. Wackett at the
Tugan Aircraft
Ltd of Mascot, New South Wales. The two images in this entry show
the Gannet
spats. Was -UUZ the only one so fitted? The photo above is
from the E.A.
Crome collection
(courtesy of the National Library of Australia) whilst that below is
from the Edward Roberts coll-
(via the State Library of New South Wales). Could it be that the
triby-hatted gentleman is
the same in both
images, and that it is, in fact, the great Lawrence (later Sir) Wackett
himself? This
Gannet was
operated by Western and Southern Provincial Airlines Ltd of Sydney from
until it was destroyed in by fire following a crash 2 miles west of
Cordeaux Dam, NSW on
19 February,