VH-UTK GAL Monospar
(c/n ST12/38)

The above photograph
is from the Robert Milburn collection and was taken by his father,
at Oodnadatta, SA, whilst the
aircraft were taking part in an aerial exploration of Central Australia
in June
1935 Robert advises that the caption on the reverse
of the print indicates that the aircraft
were connected, at the time, with
Wallis Fogarty's stores. This retail company had two large
back stores located in both Alice Springs and
Oodnadatta, SA It is possible that they participated
in sponsoring this survey, in
part. Below is a shot from the
Alan Betteridge collection (via the
archives) showing -UTK at the completion of the South Australian
Centenial Air Race at
in 1936. The truly awful reproductionat the foot of
the page is from a newspaper photo
suffers from the lack of clarity associated with
reproducing small half-tone plates. It came from
the Sydney Morning Herald of 18
June 1935 and was captioned: "Mackay Expedition departs to
Central Australia from the
air". VH-UTK was originally first registered in
May 1935 to
England Airways Ltd of Sydney as 'Captain
Phillip'. It was then absorbed by Airlines of
Australia on 1 January 1936.
Unfortunately, it was destroyed by fire at
Mackay, Queensland on
1 July 1938.