VH-UQF (1) Fokker
(c/n 1663)

There is some doubt as to
whether the above (shocking) image from
the Geoff Goodall coll-
depicts the first VH-UQF, a Fokker F.III, or its replacement aircraft,
a similarly registered
Fokker F.VII. .However,
inasmuch as the first aircraft of this rego crashed at Salamaua. I
going with the conclusion that it is, in fact, this machine, even
though it was never officially
given its
Certificate of Registration. (Several other ntu VH- aircraft have
been, over time,
painted with their registration
letters). Anyway, VH-UQF (1) had been delivered to KLM
in the fall of
1925 as H-NABV, and fitted with a 420 hp Gnome-Rhône air-cooled 6
engine, and was used mainly for freight and photographic
work. In 1928 it was fitted with a
new 420 hp
Gnome-Rhône Titan
engine and a metal
Curtiss Reed propellor, and continued
to fly for KLM
re-registered PH-ABV in 1929. . One year later, in November 1930
it was sold for
£ 300,
engine, to Australian Ray Parer, owner of the Bulolo Goldfields
Co, and shipped out to New
Guinea. As indicated, it crashed on take off at Salamaua,
NG on 18 March
1931. Below are photos of it as H-NABV and PH-ABV, the latter
via the Nederlandeluchvaart collection.
H-NABV Fokker
(c/n 1663)