Havilland D.H.80 Puss Moth
(c/n 2021)

This image, the only one I have been
able to glean of this Puss Moth, came from Geoff Goodall who
got it out of a book. It shows
-UPC at Maylands WA immediately after assembly in September 1930.
. It was built
for Western Air Services who had changed their name to Wings Limited by
the time the
aircraft was delivered.
Unfortunately no rego is visible in this photo..
It only lasted a week before
the first of a series of Puss Moth structural failures, a total of 18
around the world . The photo
actually taken by Frank Coulquhoun who later became senior engineer for
MMA into the turbine era.
The Puss
Moth had taken part in an air show at Maylands Aerodrome on 12 October
1930 and then
crashed the
next day at Chidlow Wells in the Darling Ranges, WA when it was
returning to Maylands
from a
cross-country training flight. Pilot Captain Charles Nesbit and
the two trainee pilots William Bell
and Miss
Heidie Rae were all killed. Inspection found that the starboard
wing had separated from the
airframe, caused by
failure of the main spar at the root of the wing. A writ
was issued in the Supreme
Court of Western Australia by Wings, Ltd against de Havilland Aircraft
Pty Ltd of Sydney claiming
of £1,040 due to breach of warranty, the first time such legal
action had been taken in regard
to an
aeroplane. No record of the outcome.