(c/n 11)
VH-UNT was built in the
Genairco hangar at Mascot in April 1930 and fitted with a Cirrus
aircraft were often called Genairco Moths) It was bought
new by airline
pioneer Keith Virtue
and the
following year registered to
his New England Airways at Lismore NSW. The photo
via Bruce Robinson, whilst the somewhat blurry one below (at least
showing the whole aircraft) is
from the Frank Walters collection. .Below that is a photo from
Ipswich (Qld) City Library collec-
tion and
the caption reads: "Before the
air crash in Herb Dutney's sorgum
patch near Rosewood. The
plane was
owned by Constable Appleby* who
would take people for joy
rides". The
scene (photo no. 4) is another from the Bruce Robinson
collection and shows it at an
air show at
Lismore in 1931
(the year I was born), whilst owned by Virtue. VH-UNT crashed at
Evans Head,
on 1 April 1934 and was stricken off the
register. Ross Stenhouse provides the newspaper
image of it at the foot of the page. Another lapse of
CofA occurred in May 1936. It
acquired by
F.E.Biffen of Casino, NSW and a new CofA
applied for in
August of 1938.
this was issued the aircraft was
re-registered VH-UZR (unusual
for Australia, at that time).
* The Register states that it was not
registered to
T.J. Appleby until May 1934, a month after the Evans
crash, so
whether it crashed again (quite likely) in the hands of Constable
Appleby is not explicitly
spelled out.