VH-ULO de Havilland D.H.60M Moth
(c/n 1405)

The above image is from the
Civil Aviation Historical Society of South Australia. It
differs from the
below, which is from the John Hopton
collection (via Geoff Goodall), insofar as it is lacking the
SA Aero Club
tail stripes. This Moth was assigned by the
CAB to the South Australia Section of the
Australian Aero Club
in 1929 based at Parafield,
Adelaide. It passed automatically to the Royal
Club of SA when that entity was formed on 8
September 1937. A mere fortnight later (on 21
September 1937)
VH-ULO crashed at Kapunda, SA,
although it wasn't until December 1939 that it
was stricken
from the
register. Ken Tilley advised in May of
2008 that this aircraft is in the possession
of the South
Aviation Museum and is approximately 2/3 of the way through a