VH-UKS Westland Widgeon

The above
image, from the Frank Walters collection, is one of the nicest photos
of a Widgeon
that I have seen. Production
of this neat, parasol wing monoplane was abandoned in 1930 since
Westland had a
large Wapiti contract and the company was not large enough in those
days to manu-
facture both types. Of the 26
Widgeon I, II and IIIs built, at least eight of them made their way to
Australia. First owner of -UKS was the
Aero Club of NSW, which received it in May of 1929.
It then had a series of owners in NSW before
being severely damaged by a storm after landing at
St. George,
Queensland in February 1936. It was
completely rebuilt and sold to an owner in
Queensland, reemerging
after the war. In October 1947 it overturned
in a forced landing at
Sugarloaf Point, NSW, and was struck off the register the following
April. The image below
was taken by the father
of Colin Carrig, who, like myself, now lives in the US. The
shot was
probably at the old Hargrave Park Airport,
Liverpool, NSW, circa early 1930s.