VH-UIL Avro 594 Avian Mk IIIA
(c/n R3/CN/146)

The above photo is from
the Frank Walters collection (via Geoff Goodall) and was taken at
NSW in 1939. Considering that this Avian
was on the
register from 1928 until it was scrapped in
1946, one would think that there would be
many photos of it around. They are, however, few and
between. The shot below is from the Mac Job collection (via the
CAHS) showing it in a two-tone
paint job. No narrative as to who the children were. Below
that is a reproduction
from the Sydney
Morning Herald of 5
March 1937 and the caption accompanying it indicated that the aircraft
lost a
wheel during a
training flight and
neither the instructor (S/L D. Stodart) nor the pupil were aware of
The aircraft turned over
landing. The mini image at the foot of the
page is from the
Library of
Australia collection showing it as part of a line up for an
Aerial Derby, circa 1935. The
on its right is the Alexander Eaglerock A-2 VH-UGK.
This Avian was originally
imported in September 1928 by
Aicrafts Pty Ltd of Brisbane who
Avian distributors at the
time. It was sold to Charter
Wing Ltd of Brisbane two months later.
After 1931 it
spent all of its time in NSW with several different owners and was
owned by Central
Flying School during
the war and was reduced to salvage in June