G-AUFU de Havilland D.H.60 Moth
(c/n 275)

This Moth was imported by Qantas in 1927 and the above
photo is from the airline's archives
(seen here
via Geoff Goodall). It was sold to C.T.P. Ulm's General
Manufacturers Ltd later
1928. It then had many different owners in
Queensland. The A J
Jackson Collection at
Brooklands Museum image below was taken at Archerfield circa 1938,
after, I suspect, the
Moth had
been re-engined with a Gipsy II, making it, theoretically a
D.H.60G. The aircraft
at the
time was operated by Airwork Co (no relation to the UK firm of the same
During WW II it
was impressed
into the RAAF as A7-89 and restored to the civil register
again in 1946. It
crashed and was written off at St. George, Queensland in october 1951..