Havilland D.H.50A
(c/n 106)

Oddly, many photos of -UAB have become available over the years.
The above is a very nice one
from the
Reddall collection of the AHSA (NSW) archives, via Geoff Goodall, and
shows the aircraft
Mascot in 1932. The image below of the D.H.50 as G-AUAB
also via Geoff, shows it at Brins-
mead Centre, Wyndham, WA in November 1924.
First registered in
July 1924 to the Civil
Branch, Dept of Defence, it was transferred
to the RAAF in May
1931 as
A10-1. A year
later it was declared surplus and rejoined the civil register,
being sold to
'Pat' Hall, H.G Purvis
and J.T.
Pethybridge of Sydney.
By 1935 it had been acquired by Sir
Charles Kingsford Smith
who named it
'Southern Cross
Midget' as seen in photo No 3 below from the
archives of the Civil
Aviation Historical Society of South
In photo No 4, from Ross
collection, it is
seen in
reverse livery outside the Victorian Flying
Club hangar, probably circa 1932. Finally, at the
foot of
the page, it can
be barely
discerned as G-AUAB to the right of G-AUAA as part
of a line up
Civil Air
Branch machines, circa
When WW II came along the poor
old thing was
again im-
pressed into the
RAAF late in 1942 as A10-1
again but was mercifully
struck off charge six