VH-WRJ Piper PA-28-140
(c/n 28-22417)

David Carter
photographed VH-WRJ at Moorabbin in December 1969. It had come onto the
register in May 1966. In 1976 the
Cherokee was with Bill Suhr’s Peninsula Air Services
operating out of
Moorabbin and in October 2016 was still owned by a Melbournian, Vesa
. –WRJ is
the most pedestrian plane owned by Saario, who also has an Antonov
AN-2, a Yakovlev
Yak-18T and a TS-11 Iskra jet trainer. The Cherokee was
being advertised as available for
from where it is kept at Lethbridge aerodrome, between Geelong and
Ian Mcdonell saw it (below) at the May, 2017 Old Station Fly In at
Raglan, Qld.