VH-WFZ Cessna
180D Skywagon
The above photo was taken
by Peter Rye at Maylands aerodrome, circa 1963. This was a
Westfarmers Aero Service machine although by the time this shot
was taken the company name
had been changed to Agricultural and General Aviation.
Cessna was first registered in
Australia as VH-RDE, being ex N6437X in the
US. When sold by Rex Aviation it was soon
re-registered into
Westfarmers' VH-WF block. Geoff Goodall's shot of it below was at
November of 1969, by which time it was privately owned and based in
Kalgoorlie. It was,
however, still wearing AGA's
yellow, white and black livery, sans titling..........and if you had the
notion that crop dusting was dangerous enough flying, consider doing it
at night, in which mode
it was caught
operating an AGA sortie at Kununurra, WA in July 1963 in the shot at
the foot of
the page, also from Geoff's
collection. -WFZ
is still active
and is
currently registered to a private
owner in NSW.