VH-WFW de Havilland D.H.82A Tiger Moth
(c/n 83124)

This Hatfield-built Tiger was formerly the RAAF's R5265
and was civilianized in 1949. The first
owner was a Perth
apiarist who had requested VH-BEE as its rego. When DCA advised that
marking was not available,
but suggested VH-BUZ instead, he agreed with alacrity! When sold
to Aero Service Corp in
1960 for conversion to a cropduster, it was re-registered VH-WFW.
Both images in
this entry are from the Geoff Goodall collection, the lower one having
been taken
at Maylands in
1960 whilst the aircraft was in agricultural service and showing off
well the cutaway
fabric fuselage treatment
that Aero Service adopted for ease of maintenance. The photo
above was
originally an Alistair
Coutts image and was taken at Maylands in May 1963 as the aircraft was
prepared for its ferry
flight to Cunderdin when it was sold to Bob Couper
Co. It was then stored
in a dismantled
condition at that locale. Later it, along with a large collection
of Tiger Moth bits and
pieces was moved to
Trayning WA and later to Luskintyre NSW wherein it was restored using
bits as seen in Ian McDonell's shot at the foot of the
page at Watts Bridge in 2008.