VH-TYP Beech 19A Musketeer Sport
(c/n MB-301)

Bearing its US rego of
N2770B when uncrated and assembled by Hawker de Havillands in June
1968, this
Musketeer went to a private owner who used it extensively from his base
at Port Hedland,
WA and also at Rabaul, New
Britain. In fact, it was sighted at Don Muang Airport
at Bangkok in
1972, but by New Year's Day 1973 was back at Jandakot, Perth where
Geoff Goodall
took, the above shot. That's a lot of flying for a small single
engine machine. Later in 1973 it was
sold to a new owner in Melbourne.. -TYP was finally cancelled
from the register in February 1984.