(c/n 6021)

This was the former VH-AES
and was in fact, the first aircraft to make TAA's inaugural scheduled
flight between Melbourne and Sydney on 9 September 1946. It eventually
went to the airline's Sun-
services in New Guinea in 1960. After being
withdrawn from service it returned to Melbourne
and was
repainted as
VH-AES for TAA's 25th Anniversary Flight. Danny Tanner saw it
above at
new international airport at Tullamarine in April 1977 after it had
returned from New
Guinea and prior to the above mentioned restoration.
It was stored at Tullamarine for several
years and then was hung in
front of the passenger terminal December 1979 until
mid 1987.
In 1988
it was restored to
flying condition and registered to Hawdon Operations Ltd. It is
still air-
airworthy and remains flying today (2016).