VH-RSQ DHC-1 Chipmunk
(c/n C1-0075)

The color shots
of this
Royal Aero Club of NSW Chippie are from the Greg Banfield
Above it is
seen at Bankstown in August 1966. In 1969 it was sold to Hockey
Treloar, who plan-
ned to
it for skywriting work. He fitted it with
a Lycoming O-470 engine from VH-BVP, which
he also
owned, and the converted aircraft was given the designation DHC-1C.
The B&W shot
below) is via Geoff Goodall and shows
the aircraft at Bankstown
in August 1974.
shot is augmented by Greg's at the foot of the page (Camden, NSW May
1976) showing the
scheme. -RSQ was
re-purchased by the RACNSW in September 1973 and operated by
them until September1977,
when they sold it once again.
was the the former WB640.
In 2005 it was
sold in Texas
as N640WB where it
currently flies in the Houston area.