VH-RRA Douglas DC-3CS1C3G
(c/n 16351/33099)

VH-RRA was operated by the CSIRO Radiophysics
Division. Barrie Colledge's nice color
above was at Mascot, circa 1967, whilst Greg Banfield's b&w image
below was some-
what earlier
in November 1965 at Tamworth, NSW. -RRA was originally
delivered to the
in May of
1945 as a late model C-47B and given the serial A65-97. It flew
for 91 Wing
operating the thrice weekly
courier run between Australia and Japan for many years. It
released from
the RAAF in
December 1964 and acquired by the CSIRO (probably a journal
entry from
one branch of the Commonwealth
government to another). The DC-3 was specially
its research in upper atmospheric physics
and was also used for cloud-seeding.
East-West airlines
maintained it during its
years with the scientif organization. VH-RRA was
use at Sydney in July 1978 and
was parked near the fire-dump area at Mascot
for many years. It
was subsequently used for fire practice and
was probably scrapped around 1988.
