Chipmunk T.21
(c/n C1/0435)

Originally assigned the registration VH-BVH, this marking was not taken
up and the aircraft
became VH-ROG. The above image
was shot at Moorabbin, circa 1956, whilst the nice air
air below came from Richard Maclean. This aircraft had been
delivered to the Royal Aero
Club of Western Australia in 1952 and
bears the
initial of R.O. Giles a long time secretary of
the Club, both pre and
post-war. It was a very early Chipmunk import and was diverted
the RAF production line at Hawarden, Chester
for civil use. It was later repainted into the
traditional red and white livery
of the RAeCWA as seen in the air-to-air shot from the Geoff
Goodall collection (picture # 3) taken over the Swan
River at Perth in October 1957. This
was before the building of the Narrows
Bridge. The aircraft was the club flagship at the time
and carried the identity 'Chipmunk 1'. VH-ROG
crashed at Baker's Hill, W.A. in 1959.
Geoff Goodall saw it at Jandakot as
late as August of 1968, (bottom of the page) although it
does not appear to have