VH-RDY Cessna 337 Super
(c/n 337-0188)

Two shots of this Super
Skymaster by Geoff Goodall, both being at Jandakot, albeit three years
Above, in December 1969 whilst it was with Trans West Air
Charter, and below in
August 1972 by which time it had
been sold off and was flying for Tranters Agency, who used it
to commute between their offices
in Perth and Geraldton. New in September 1965, it was
inally delivered to Nor West
Air Charter of Carnarvon. This company was taken over by Trans
West. Shortly after
the photo below was taken -RDY was damaged in an accident at Geraldton
when the
undercarriage locked up and it performed a belly landing.
Repaired, it went on to several
owners until being finally wrecked at Maer island in the Torres Strait
(between Australia and
Guinea) on 9 April 1987.