VH-MPQ Callair A-9A Quail
(c/n 1219)

The above shot was taken by Eric Favelle (via Geoff
Goodall) at Bankstown in February 1968.
The Callair was
owned, at the time, by Ord River Crop Control Pty Ltd of Kununurra, WA,
operated for them by Kun-Air Krop Kontrol. On 16 January 1970
-MPQ ran off
the runway
during takeoff in a strong crosswind at Farm Hill airstrip and was
badly damaged.
It was struck off
the register the same day and its fuselage was dumped outside the
hangar at
Kununurra where Geoff
Goodall took the shot below in October 1975. Callairs
had spruce
wingspars, the idea
being that they would shear off
in a crash, rather than
transmitting the load
to the rest of the