VH-MBB Auster 3
(c/n 455)
This hangar shot was taken by
Geoff Goodall at Cootmundra in 1966. This Auster was ex-RAAF
and NX533 with the RAF before that. It was
civilianized in 1960 as VH-BVX and re-
gistered VH-MBB in 1962 when it joined the Murray Border Flying Club's
fleet. Below is an inter-
esting line up of Austers, headed by -MBB, at
"Turiara" Station via Gilgooma NSW in June 1975
when the owners were having a get-together and Bar-B-Q. Goodall
and pals happened to be in the
area on one of their photo-taking jaunts. The
hospitable pilots treated the lads right, and gave them
flights in addition to
Owners of the aircraft at the
time were:
J1N Alpha VH-KCX Garth
Auster Mk.4 VH-AZI John Williams
Auster Mk.3 VH-MBB Paul backhouse & Lloyd Parsons