VH-KSR Auster
(c/n 2872)

This aircraft was registered to a C. Gatenby
of Madang, New Guinea in 1949. However, the
and date of this photograph are
unknown, although it appears not to be anywhere in
PNG. The aircraft was an early J/5 and, such, in the photo
below, from the CAHS archives,
is displaying its UK name 'Autocrat' on the tail.
Kingsford Smith Aviation, the agents for
Austers in those days
gave this increased hp model provided for the Antipodes the local name
'Adventurer'. Sold by Gatenby, -KSR went Wagga Air Taxis and
Flying School in Dec 1954
and was
subsequently re-registered VH-WFB
in 1958 and VH-WEA in
1960. It crashed and
damaged beyond repair at Barellan, some 25 miles east of Griffith, NSW
in 1965.