VH-IVI CA-18 Mustang Mk. 21

This Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation built
Mustang was taken on charge by the Royal Australian
Air Force in June of 1948.
It was struck off charge almost exactly a decade later (May of 1958)
placed into storage at
RAAF Tocumwal. Dr. Ralph Capponi saved it from a
crushing death when he
purchased it in
1964. The shot at the foot of the page, by Richard J. Maclean,
shows it at
circa 1964. In those early 1960 days DCA
refused to grant civil certification to Mustangs and the like,
but did
allow Dr. Capponi a series of
single-flight ferry permits, including a long trip from Melbourne to
Perth when he did a tour of duty
with the Royal
Flying Doctor Service in the West Australian outback.
November 1967 Capponi sold A68-119
to Skyservice Aviation at Camden NSW, operated by
Canadian Ed Fleming who had
Mustang experience. It was on-sold to colorful American
dealer Stanley Booker of Fresno
California (who had also purchased the six RAAF Mustangs
from the Emu atomic test
grounds in SA at that
same time in addition to seven RAAF Dakotas and
several other Australian
The appropriate US registration N65119 was reserved for
A68-119 but
before it was shipped to USA, Booker
sold it to Adelaide warbird enthusiast Langdon
Badger. Badger managed
to win the battle against
the DCA policy of refusing civil registration of
former military combat
types, and it became VH-IVI on 20th June
1969. After civil inspection at
Camden by Skyservice Aviation,
Langdon flew VH-IVI home to
Adelaide in triumph on 17 August
1969. Geoff Goodall's
shot above shows it on arrival at
Parafield Airport on that day, just as the prop
stopped and seconds
before the aircraft was surrounded by a
waiting crowd of supporters. Mike
Madden's lovely shot immediately
below was taken at an airshow at Hamilton, Victoria in March 1970
while the Mustang was owned
by Langdon Badger. In 1971 VH-IVI was acquired by Ray Whitbread
and given a smart new paint job
(see photo # 3 below, by John Wheatley). The titling on the fin
'R.J. Whitbread Motors Pty Ltd'. Sadly, this
Mustang was destroyed on
11 June 1973 at Windsor
near Sydney while
being flown by the new owner when the canopy detached
during aerobatics
struck him on the head.
The Mustang plunged into the ground killing Whitbread
instantly.. .